Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Travelling back in time

The reason for The Wombat's recent absence has finally been explained - he'd taken a trip across the Atlantic, and while there, attempted to travel back in time (and not just in the sense of having to post archive photos). The best he could manage, however, was a trip to the Maryland Renaissance Festival, where he ate, drank, and made merry with the best of them.

The Wombat tried on a dashing red cloak - if only it came in his size!
The Wombat tries on a cloak

The Wombat considered buying a dress for a particular lady-wombat... alas, this also did not come in wombat sizes.
The Wombat checks out a dress

He got to sample some Steak on a Stake, a traditional RF staple! (Although he wasn't sure if curly fries were very authentically medieval.)
The Wombat samples Steak on a Stake

He had one of the best seats in the house to watch the Rogues playing some excellent music!
The Wombat watches the Rogues

And after the show, The Wombat had an opportunity to meet the bodhran player and lead singer of the Rogues, Nelson Stewart.
The Wombat meets a Rogue

Oh, no! Nelson turned out to have a secret taste for Wombat! Help!
The Wombat is nearly eaten

Safe from the hungry bodhran player, and having had an otherwise fantastic day, The Wombat flew away on admired a beautiful piece of dragon metalwork.
The Wombat and a dragon

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

More from the archive

The Wombat had a bit of a jaunt around parts of County Donegal earlier this summer (back when the weather in Ireland was actually decent).

Here he is in front of the Grianán of Aileach, an Iron Age stone fort. It was too windy to actually take a photo of The Wombat sitting on top of the walls, but on a calmer day, it's great to stand up there (about 250m above sea level) and look at the fantastic views.
The Wombat visits the Grianán of Aileach

Later, he was taken on a long car journey through Glenveagh National Park and around the coast up to the Bloody Foreland. This photo was taken somewhere near Gweedore.
The Wombat visits Donegal